| 1. | The impact of the community law on the italian administrative law 欧盟法对意大利行政法的影响 |
| 2. | The european court of justice and the general principle of community law 欧洲法院与欧盟法的一般法律原则 |
| 3. | In doing so ireland was required to accept the supremacy of community law over irish law in areas of community competence 成为欧盟成员国之后,欧盟要求爱尔兰的本国法在共同体权限范围内服从共同体法。 |
| 4. | Every worker has the right to protection against unjustified dismissal , in accordance with community law and national laws and practices 劳工有依欧洲共同体法律、国内法律与措施,不受不当解雇之权利。 |
| 5. | While the eu exercises ha power under community law , it pays much attention to fully reflect the will of all member stats 欧盟在依法行使其作为共同体的权力的同时,又注意充分反映共同体全体成员国的意志。 |
| 6. | There is now a provision which ensures that nothing in the constitution can prevent community law from having the force of law in the state 爱尔兰法中现在有一项条款规定在本国宪法中没有任何条款可以阻止共同体法在爱尔兰的法律实施。 |
| 7. | Secondly a strategic model could be set up by the public service agency through community law centres which would look at the individual in broader social economic perspective 其二,则为一个从宏观社会或经济角度出发,由公营机构透过社区法律谘询中心向个别人士提供服务的策略模式。 |
| 8. | Everyone residing and moving legally within the european union is entitled to social security benefits and social advantages in accordance with community law and national laws and practices 任何人合法居住或迁移于欧洲联盟境内,有权享有依欧洲共同体法律、国内法律及措施规定之社会安全福利与社会利益。 |
| 9. | Workers or their representatives must , at the appropriate levels , be guaranteed information and consultation in good time in the cases and under the conditions provided for by community law and national laws and practices 劳工或其代表就欧洲共同体法律、国内法律与措施所规定之条件与案件上,于适当层级上立即获得资料与谘商之权利,必须受到保障。 |
| 10. | In order to combat social exclusion and poverty , the union recognises and respects the right to social and housing assistance so as to ensure a decent existence for all those who lack sufficient resources , in accordance with the rules laid down by community law and national laws and practices 为消除社会边缘化及贫穷,欧洲联盟确认并尊重依据欧洲共同体法律、国内法律及措施之相关规定之社会与居住补助之权利,以确保所有欠缺适足资源者能享有有尊严之生活。 |